sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

On September 10th an ICT representative presented Nicuesa with a framed copy of the Certification in Sustainable Tourism with 4 leaves! The employees all celebrated together over a beer, each receiving their own personalized certification recognizing their hard work in achieving this goal. As the heart of Nicuesa has always revolved around sustainability, this is simply an acknowledgment that motivates us to exert more of our energies to become ever more sustainable. Thus, over the past year since we turned in the CST application we have been expanding and improving our conservation efforts as well as involvement in the community. Some of these efforts include:
- Planting of over 70 trees from our Reforestation Center by guests and staff.
- Sponsoring Yaguará, a feline conservation organization, to place cameras on Nicuesa property.
- Collaborating with MarViva, a marine conservation organization, to protect the Golfo Dulce.
- Sponsoring a folkloric dance group composed of adolescents from Puerto Jimenez.
- Providing educational materials and interactive presentations to the three students of Las Animas, the only local school in the Golfo Dulce.
Offering free English classes to all employees, including sponsoring the text books
- Continuing the fight against tuna farms in the mouth of the Golfo Dulce in collaboration with PRETOMA.

These are just a few of our outreach activities. We would love to tell you all about them and even more over a tropical fruit smoothie at Nicuesa!!